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Passion, Competence and Style, in a fast changing world, rule our business but above all we are guided by what we believe is fundamental for any relationship: our heart.


We believe that staff is the company’s strenght, a prepared and reliable team, working in the company for many years, who knows the customer’s needs. Because of this we care a lot about our employees and their families: they are indispensable, with their daily work, for  the success of the company.


We only work with serious customers and suppliers, sometimes despite an "immediate gain." We are very proud to work with our customers and suppliers, many of whom are part of a “family” network, in order  to help each other in a growing difficult market. We deal with people who can count on our good will and our seriousness.


We believe that the luckiest people have the duty to help the less lucky. For years we have been supporting “L’ABBRACCIO”, a non-profit organization that helps people from Benin (small African), by building schools, canteens, hospitals and recently a farm either. In addition we support the different charity  initiatives on our territory.


We believe in a responsible environmental development. We care about our environment, as we don’t want our work to cause damage to the environment and to the generations of the future.

Therefore the Pedemonte family would like to thank all the people who are collaborating with ITP .